Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mussels and Wine

 Fresh mussels, lots of wine, pain, frites, and gâteau au chocolat!!
My Catherine would have died at the thought of eating fresh mussels! 
Another food post! Getting acclimated to Paris left little time actually exploring the city. Instead, I have been preoccupied with the necessities like opening a bank account and figuring out how to get a phone but really, mainly eating all the delectable food! I am adjusting to the large amount of food served at every sit-down meal, it is course after course! Apertif, then entree, followed by a salad, fromage and bread, then some fruit and yogurt, and then some chocolate! We had a wonderfully long lunch at the Rainteau's where Chloe and I have been so generously allowed to stay until our apartment is ready (and with the construction that was happening to our future little abode, it unfortunately might be quite a while).

1 comment:

  1. Look who is taking such nice photos now!

    I would probably eat mussels or scallops before I'd eat fish or insects-of-the-sea/shrimp. Scallops are just so clean looking. I bet you could do something to them to make them taste like fried chicken.
