I can never be bored in Paris.
(This I love)
The other Saturday, Colette, a tré cool shop (basically the dream shop you could win a shopping spree at) had a carnival at the Tuileries. Full of booths, noms, merchandise, some children and a lot of Parisian hipsters.
Free ballons!
(I can get into that.! does that make me a French hipster? or just a 24 year old child?)
American food! This gave me much excitement for a fleeting moment, until I realized that Reese's Puffs were 15euro a box, and Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs were... wait... guess...35euro!
(and yes I am totally missing chocolate + peanut butter, French people aren't into that, Stephie definitely is)
(and yes I am totally missing chocolate + peanut butter, French people aren't into that, Stephie definitely is)
[Oreo Cheesecake]
Yes we (Sophie and I) did.
A big coloring wall
((not just for kids))
America's favorite couple.
do you think they're in love?
The END!
I find it so fascinating when non-Americans fetishize American things. I mean: an aisle of an American grocery store = party-time in Paris? Good to know.