Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fleurs et des Fruits

Some of the lore at the lovely little shops I walked by today. So many little flower shops full of mini plants in bright, saturated colors (soon to find a home in Chloe and I's apartment, whenever we get to move in...) and grocers with delectable little fruits.
((Bégonias jolies and Coca-Cola.))

p.s. I know this may be hard to believe but I haven't even stepped foot into one clothing boutique. Not one! 
p.p.s. As an aperitif before our meal yesterday we had two pates, a duck liver and an unknown meat. Which turned out to be head meat. Still not sure if the white bits were brain?

TEFL Training Begins

The neighboring building, a former military hospital, of the TEFL center on Rue des Saint Jacques.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mussels and Wine

 Fresh mussels, lots of wine, pain, frites, and gâteau au chocolat!!
My Catherine would have died at the thought of eating fresh mussels! 
Another food post! Getting acclimated to Paris left little time actually exploring the city. Instead, I have been preoccupied with the necessities like opening a bank account and figuring out how to get a phone but really, mainly eating all the delectable food! I am adjusting to the large amount of food served at every sit-down meal, it is course after course! Apertif, then entree, followed by a salad, fromage and bread, then some fruit and yogurt, and then some chocolate! We had a wonderfully long lunch at the Rainteau's where Chloe and I have been so generously allowed to stay until our apartment is ready (and with the construction that was happening to our future little abode, it unfortunately might be quite a while).

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Blue Skies

The weather is quite glorious in Paris right now!

Gâteau au chocolat!

Paris is obviously notorious for their reputation of wonderful food, which I cannot wait to explore over the next months! I am still savoring the delicious first meal French meal of a warm chèvre salad, poulet and the most decadant and delicious gâteau au chocolat I ate with Chloé while we exploring our ah-mazing neighborhood in the 5th Arrondissement. We are mere blocks from Notre Dame, the river, and a large univeristy full of young people - not to mention it is literally brimming with shops and cafes! Can't wait until we can actually settle into our apartment and the area!
yum. yum. yum.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Admiring the Louis Vuitton display like a silly girl on the notably glamorous Avenue des Champs-Élysées on my first full day in Paris!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Adieu Minneapolis!

I flew out of Minneapolis tonight.
 Lucky to have the window seat, I sat and watched the beautiful pink sunset from the small round and felt absolutely terrified. It is impossible for me to know what this other side of the Atlantic holds in store. Plus it felt unimaginably difficult to leave all my loved ones I feel so lucky to have in my life. But I am in Paris! Souhaitez moi bonne chance!